Benefits of CPAP & Compression Socks

If you have circulation problems in your legs, you may benefit from the use of compression stockings.

Patients undergoing compression therapy wear special stockings that are designed to increase circulation in the legs and support the veins. Compression therapy can help relieve pain and fatigue, as well as improve circulation.  Patients undergoing this treatment usually wear compression stockings every day, especially when they’re on their feet.

Physicians often prescribe compression stockings for people who have been diagnosed with chronic venous disease or varicose veins. They’re also frequently used by pregnant women experiencing swelling in their legs. They may also be prescribed for patients who are laid up following surgery or an injury, either in the hospital or at home.

But not every compression stocking user has venous problems. Some athletes find that compression stockings improve their performance, and the stockings can also have benefits for people who spend the workday standing.

How compression stockings work
Compression stockings are specially designed to improve circulation and prevent blood clots from forming in the legs. They are made from a type of elastic that fits very tightly around the leg, with the tightest portion at the ankles.

They are designed to help “squeeze” blood that pools in weakened leg veins upward and out toward the heart. The pressure exerted by the stockings reduces the diameter of the leg veins and improves blood flow, which in turn relieves pain and swelling.

Compression stockings come in various pressure grades, measured—like blood pressure—in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). Your physician can help you determine if compression stockings will improve your circulation, and can recommend a pressure grade that is appropriate for your condition.

Learn more about compression therapy
Memorial Home Services offers a range of compression socks and related products. We can help fit you for your socks and provide education on their use. Compression stockings should be replaced every three to six months so that they maintain their elasticity.

Because the stockings must fit tightly in order to be effective, they can be difficult to put on—especially for the first time. Memorial Home Services staff can offer tips and tricks to make the process easier. Devices that can help you put on the stockings more easily are also available.

The stockings can be purchased over-the-counter or with a doctor’s prescription. If they have been prescribed for you, your insurance may cover their cost. Check with your insurance provider to find out if compression therapy is covered.

For more information, visit or call 217-788-4663.