Happy May Day! Ready for a Mental Health Check-Up?

MHM2014_Mind_Your_Health_BUTTONYou exercise, eat a nutritious diet and schedule your annual physical check-ups with the doc. But are you tuned into your mental health? May is Mental Health Month – the perfect time for a mental health check-up! Here are some symptoms to pay attention to:

  • Trouble concentrating
  • Restlessness
  • Lack of interest in things you once enjoyed
  • Feelings of panic and fear
  • Sleeping too much or having trouble sleeping
  • Hopelessness

If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms like these, consider taking a mental health screening—just like you would do for any other disease. Mental Health Centers of Central Illinois offers an anonymous online screening for different mental health concerns. The screening is available 24/7 just a click away, right here. Choose the appropriate screening based on how you feel and quickly receive educational information and available treatment resources.

Remember: Your mental health is just important as your physical health! Visit MHCCI.org today.