Stay Safe: Get Vaccinated; Wear Mask; Wash Hands and Social Distance

As vaccines become more readily available, it is important for people to remain vigilant with COVID-19 prevention measures. Being vaccinated is one weapon against COVID-19, but people should continue mask usage, handwashing and social distance.

“Vaccination teaches your immune system to recognize the virus and fight it off if you are exposed,” said Raj Govindaiah, MD, chief medical officer for Memorial Health System. “However, we are still learning how well vaccines prevent you from spreading the virus if you are exposed. We are also learning how long vaccines protect people from COVID-19. Until we know more, it is essential to wear masks, wash your hands and follow social distancing guidelines.”

A third vaccine – developed and manufactured by the pharmaceutical division of Johnson & Johnson – is now available to the public alongside the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine requires only a single dose.

“Our goal needs to be getting as many shots in arms as possible, as quickly as possible,” said Govindaiah. “If you have the opportunity to be vaccinated, please do so. All three of these vaccines offer very significant protection against COVID-19 illnesses and will help us put an end to the pandemic.”

Experts continue to learn more about natural immunity and vaccine-induced immunity related to COVID-19. Memorial Health System remains committed to sharing COVID-19 information with the community throughout the pandemic. Visit