Stress Shopping, Debt and Mental Health

The spread of COVID-19 and subsequent changes that resulted in many people staying home also resulted in an increase in stress shopping online – and unfortunately, spending money they may not have.

As those credit card bills and loan payments come due in the coming months, debt can cause stress and wreak havoc with your mental health. In turn, your mental health can impact your finances.

“Your finances can negatively impact your emotional health,” said Amber Olson, LCSW, Director-Behavioral Therapy Services, Memorial Behavioral Health, “Sometimes it’s an underlying cause. If you’re struggling with depression related to your financial situation or other factors, it’s important to seek help and know you aren’t alone.”

Here are some actions that may indicate your mental health is affecting your finances:

  • Out-of-control feelings about finances. You experience feelings of hopelessness and helplessness regarding your future.
  • You ignore bills due to feeling overwhelmed.
  • Quick fixes. You engage in unhealthy and risky behaviors. These behaviors may cause temporary relief, but can cause additional problems in the long run.
  • Negative self-talk. Defeatist self-talk damages your self-esteem.
  • Decline in activity. You avoid social and leisure activities you once enjoyed.
  • Dwelling on the past. You focus on past mistakes.

“Seek help if you notice any of these behaviors,” continued Olson. “Self-care is vital. When we’re overwhelmed and feeling hopeless, it can be a struggle to practice self-care.  Try to get quality sleep, some physical activity, eat healthy foods and reach out to loved ones for support.”

Need to talk?  

Memorial Behavioral Health has counselors who can help you with emotional wellness. Schedule a telehealth appointment today.

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