Four Ways to Manage Spring Asthma and Allergy Triggers

It’s springtime – the weather is warming up, and trees and flowers are starting to bloom. It is often a time of frustration for asthma and allergy sufferers as pollen is released and causes respiratory problems. Here are some tips to help you limit exposure and enjoy the spring weather:

  1. Review the air quality and pollen count daily. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency offers a daily report of air quality to help you to be aware and prepare. The pollen account is available online or through your local weather station.
  2. Lawn and garden care. If the air quality or pollen count is high, wear a particle mask while working in the yard. This can help to avoid breathing in particles that can trigger asthma or allergy symptoms.
  3. Take your medications and inhalers as prescribed. It’s important to limit your exposure to triggers, but you should also make sure you are compliant with guidelines set forth by your doctor. Make sure that you take your asthma and allergy medications, and that you have your rescue inhaler readily available.
  4. Have an asthma action plan. Every person with asthma should have an asthma action plan in place in the event of an emergency.

If you consistently have issues with asthma or allergy flare-ups during the spring, you should speak with your primary care provider about your management plan. Communicating your needs with your healthcare provider is important.

Concerned about asthma or allergies?

Speak with your primary care provider about the asthma and allergy management plan that’s best for you.

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