Want to Train for a Running Event? Here’s How to Do It Safely

JMH 5K/10K

Excited about registering for a running event but not sure if you are up for the challenge? Many people are interested in trying to run in a charitable event but worry they cannot complete the distance. With proper preparation, you can put those anxieties to rest and complete a race.

“Focusing on your training schedule and the preparation part of the process will help reduce the stress about the actual event,” said Nicole Florence, MD, medical director for Memorial Wellness Center. “Remember, this is an opportunity to push yourself to achieve personal health and fitness goals and not necessarily to compete against others.”

Here are some tips to help you prepare for a successful race:

  1. Choose a race.Pick a race far enough in the future to provide you ample time to train and one that will support your goal for completing.
  2. Ask your doctor.Talk with your primary care provider to make sure there are no concerns with your fitness activity based on your specific health needs.
  3. Invest in equipment.Make sure you choose comfortable athletic shoes and clothing to support your efforts and help avoid injury. Also, it may be helpful to use your smartphone, fitness tracker or to purchase a low-cost pedometer to track your progress.
  4. Eat healthy. Drink plenty of water and incorporate nutritious foods into your diet not just ahead of the race but as part of your normal routine. If you set your sights on a longer distance event, make sure you practice hydration and energy supplementation for the race.
  5. Make a training plan. Your running or walking plan will depend on the type of race you choose. There are many apps and fitness plans available online to help you go from limited activity to completing a 5K or more. Take advantage of existing resources to help you.

Opportunities to participate in fitness events and road races abound including:

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