Fat Shaming

Most of us wouldn’t consider bullying someone based on race, religion or gender. But Lindsay Roush, LCPC, a behavioral health consultant at Memorial Weight Loss & Wellness Center, said while other forms of discrimination have become taboo, it’s still common to hear negative comments centered on a person’s weight.

“It’s not that different from racial prejudice or homophobia,” Roush said during a recent appearance on the “Ask an Expert” program on Springfield, Illinois, based radio station WTAX.

What is Fat Shaming?
Roush calls fat shaming—also known as weight stigma, weight bias or fat phobia—one of the last forms of discrimination that’s socially acceptable. But that doesn’t mute its impact, she added, noting that this type of bullying can lead to depression, isolation and a loss of self-worth in its targets.

That’s why she prefers the term “fat shaming” over its less-direct alternatives. “I think it needs to have a name that’s ‘in-your-face,’” she said.

Fat shaming has always been a problem. But the online anonymity of social media has put a spotlight on the issue, with stories touting celebrity weight gains or posts mocking those who are overweight regularly going viral.

Fat shaming isn’t limited to hurtful comments. In its subtler manifestations, it can lead to missed promotions or job opportunities due to managers’ stereotypical assumptions about an overweight individual’s ability to perform on the job. It can even make those affected reluctant to seek medical care if they fear a physician’s judgment.

Why and How it Happens
Why do people feel comfortable shaming others for their weight? Roush said it’s often rooted in fear and insecurity, feeding on a culture that values thinness. Instances of fat shaming can even cause people who don’t struggle with their weight to fear becoming overweight themselves.

Sometimes, fat shaming from friends and family comes wrapped in concern for the person’s health. But “we need to think about the words we’re using,” Roush said. She suggested approaching a loved one who is overweight with compassion and understanding, leading with questions rather than making assumptions. Ask that person if he or she has concerns about weight issues and their impact on quality of life, setting up a conversation that centers on solutions rather than judgment.

Tips for People Experiencing Fat Shaming

  • If you feel comfortable and safe, speak up. Tell the person that these kinds of comments are unacceptable.
  • If fat shaming has had an effect on your well-being and self-esteem, consider talking with a counselor.
  • Practice body acceptance, learning to love yourself in the body that you’re in.
  • If you desire to make a change, get involved in programs such as those offered by the Memorial Weight Loss & Wellness Center.
Lindsay Roush is a licensed clinical professional counselor with the Memorial Weight Loss & Wellness Center. She provides assessment and counseling for individuals who want to learn tools for living a healthy lifestyle. The Memorial Weight Loss & Wellness Center offers both surgical and nonsurgical weight loss options and a full range of services including nursing, nutrition, lifestyle and fitness for individualized treatment.