Healthy Cooking Classes to Help Participants Build Confidence in the Kitchen
If you want to change up the cooking routine to offer more healthy options on your family menu, sign up for upcoming classes offered at Taylorville Memorial Hospital. The classes are designed to help you gain confidence as you practice cooking with healthy techniques.
“We have partnered with the University of Illinois Extension office to offer these classes to the public, free of charge, in order to help people feel more comfortable cooking in a healthy manner,” said Jay Boulanger, community health coordinator for Memorial Health. “The classes will be hands-on, interactive and fun and hosted right here at TMH.”
Lisa Peterson, MS, Nutrition & Wellness Extension Educator, will lead the classes. Parking is available in Lot C on the northeast side of TMH. These classes also address some of TMH goals in the hospital’s Community Health Needs Assessment.
Class descriptions are below. Registration is required.
- March 20 from 5 to 7 p.m. Smart Meals: Budget-Friendly Planning & 5-Ingredient Recipes. Join our fun, hands-on workshop where you’ll master reading nutrition labels, discover smart meal planning tricks and learn how to grocery shop on a budget! Conference Room 179 at TMH. Register here.