Tips to Manage Anxiety over Finances

If filling up your car, grocery shopping or reviewing your retirement savings causes you stress, anxiety or even depression – you aren’t alone. Financial concerns trouble most of us right now, thanks to high inflation, rising interest rates and unpredictable markets.

“Money issues are front and center right now as we face higher prices at every turn,” said Amber Olson, LCSW, regional director of behavioral health clinical operations with Memorial Behavioral Health. “One of the best coping strategies is to identify what you can control and what you can’t control. You might not be able to control gas prices, but you can bundle errands, choose a closer vacation destination or identify public transportation options.”

Here are some other strategies to help you weather this current uncertainty.

  • Avoid fixating on 24-7 news cycles or repeatedly checking your bank balances in savings or retirement accounts. Stay informed but do it intentionally with a moderate approach.
  • Try popular coping strategies that help others. Exercise more; focus your breathing; use positive self-talk; consider meditation; eat healthy meals.
  • Revisit favorite hobbies, which can jumpstart your mental and physical well-being. Walk your favorite park trail. Spend time browsing at the local library. Listen to music or write, paint or garden.
  • Reevaluate work-life balance and make sure you have budgeted enough time for nutrition, physical activity, regular doctor appointments, sleep and downtime.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you are eligible for programs and services that may fill a temporary financial gap, make time to fill out the applications. That assistance may relieve stress and anxiety related to finances that threaten to derail your physical and/or emotional health.
  • Consider counseling. Life stress is a real thing, and counselors can help guide you through helpful thought patterns and behavior strategies. Services are available at lower cost through sliding scale rates, insurance, student rates or online therapy services.

Memorial Behavioral Health offers the following resources:

  • Memorial Behavioral Health Clinics. Memorial Health has established clinics in Jacksonville, Lincoln, Springfield and Taylorville that provide outpatient mental health services. Call for more information or to schedule an appointment at a location near you. Call 217–525–1064.

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